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Knock, Knock – Whose There? Yep, it”s the best kid’s birthday party idea, EVER!
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Is it that time of year again? Time to plan, your kids best ever birthday party. Are you looking for a fun filled, creative and inspired theme? With all the kidlets in my life growing up and at an age where not only do they not want my planning help they don’t even want me at the party. I was thrilled when a close friend asked if I would help plan her daughter’s upcoming sixth birthday party. And before I could even get my enthusiastic yes out, my brain was consumed with all things part.
The Most Delicious Kid’s Birthday Party Idea, EVER!
Right away, we decided on the game Candy Land as the best party theme, ever! We both loved the game growing up and for us it truly is a classic. It has so many fun and entertaining elements that help to make planning and having this party extra sweet. But as the party was not for us, thought I forgot didn’t you, we sat down with the birthday girl and got her take on the situation. And with only a wee bit of arm twisting (really just a wee bit), the birthday girl jumped right on board. So as the game says we started “Down the magical road to sweet surprises…”
Kid’s Birthday Party Idea – It’s All About Candy…Land!
With party planning so much of the fun is in picking out the birthday theme and all the essentials needed, invitations, decorations, games, food and the oh so sweet goody bag. Really, I do think the adults have way more fun planning then the kids do partying! If you know Candy Land, you know it’s a land filled with sweet, amusing and scrumptiously mouth-watering fun. And it’s the perfect place and theme to create a party that is not only imaginative and likable but participatory, fun and within your budget. And when planning a kid’s birthday party affordability truly is the name of the game. And when it comes to Candy Land it’s obviously all about the candy, small and large, as well as the bright colors, lollipops, toys and much more.
Kid’s Birthday Party Idea – It’s All About the Planning!
We made the decision to create and produce as many of the party elements as we could ourselves.
Starting with the invitations and with Candy Land there are so many great and creative ideas available. From sketching out a big lollipop with all the party details on the back to using a real large lollipop with an attached card outlining all the party facts to creating a chocolate bar wrapper (or an actual chocolate bar) with the specifics as the invite. We decided to go with the always favorite bag of candy delivered with a colorful card with the party particulars.
We held the party outdoors and were fortunate enough to be gifted with good weather. We created a Candy Land game board that lead the kids to the backyard. In a word, awesome! Using the Candy Land game as our inspiration, we then decorated the backyard utilizing colorful balloons, streamers, card-stock, lollipops and real candy to create a candy filled fantasy land. And by using candy shaped and candy filled pinatas along with the other decorations we were able to craft a delicious candy land including candy gardens, lollipop woods, chunky chocolate mountains and so much more. Every single party item was fashioned to look like candy or like it belonged in Candy Land. Table legs were made to appear like candy canes and cellophane covered balloons were formed to look just like suckers.
Food was so, so easy. We tried to make all the food bite size and at the same time all the eatables were shaped to look like candy. Finger sandwiches looked like candy canes, veggies and dip looked like different candy with a chocolate dip. Pizza was well pizza but who doesn’t love some pizza. And instead of a cake we baked colorful cupcakes and had the kids decorate them. And the candy, there was lots. Candy was the centerpiece and candy necklaces were napkin holders. There wasn’t a guest that didn’t enjoy a bit of candy as well as a sugar surge. It was all good.
Kid’s Birthday Party Idea – And to Top it Off!
All the party activities were you guessed it, themed around candy. Some of the highlights were the cupcake decorating, the self-explaining goody bag designing as well as musical chairs to the tune of the Candy Man. And finally we all put together and decorated the Candy Land House. As you can imagine a bit of madness with a huge splash of fun!
And finally instead of the traditional goody bag we set up a candy bar and the kids could take their self-decorated bags and fill them up with all kinds of scrumptious candy and novelty toys. And just for the parents each kid received a toothbrush with some toothpaste. So everyone left happy!
“Goody, Goody Gumdrops”… let your mind fly and start planning your kid’s best birthday party ever. A Candy Land themed bash will take you to the world of sweet and unleash the delicious fun and let the memory making begin!