To be perfectly frank, kids party planning is never easy, but it doesn’t have to be that hard (I know, easy for me to say). Having a house full of kids is never a walk in the park. And regardless of their age, we tend to dread it. But having to entertain, ensure hours of fun, supply a ton of good eats and a loot bag that passes the muster of even the most critical kids, can be overwhelming and difficult. Really difficult.
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First things first, talk with your child to see what they want. No matter their age, it’s important to get their input. Find out their party vision and what they want. Once you have had “the talk”, make a plan. Creating a plan and a checklist will help keep you on pace with all things kids party planning. A checklist will provide you with a place to start and is a great way to keep track of what has to be done, all the steps involved and what you want to accomplish by party time.
Kids Party Planning – What To Consider…
There are some important elements to consider and include:
Date and Party Timing – Remember, you can never please everyone. So when selecting a party date (and timing), choose the date when you think most will be able to attend. Do your research and look at holidays and other events happening in the area. Consider a weekend day as weekends are usually a more suitable time than a weekday to schedule a kids party and will be better attended.
Location – There are a couple of things to look at when choosing the location. Party size and the time of year are crucial when deciding the ultimate party location. The level of contribution and involvement you expect is another key thing to ponder. Be sure to consider these things when you decide whether to host the event at home or have the party at an off site location.
Invites – Once you have determined the date and timing of the party, it’s time to send out the invites! There are several options including; conventional store bought invites, custom made (created by you or having them personalized and made-to-order designed) invites or via the electronic way (designed and created by you) and sent online. Regardless of the method, it is recommended to send out the invitations approximately three to four weeks prior to the party date. Be sure to include a RSVP by date. An accurate guest count will help you plan for the food, loot bags and overall party fun with less waste.
Theme – Selecting a party theme really helps in the planning stages. A theme will take you through the A to Z’s of kids party planning. It will keep you on budget and really assists you in the not forgetting…anything. Incorporating a theme it creates an easy flow for the party and allows you to integrate the other parts of the party from there; invitations, location, decorations, food, games, loot bags and more.
Your child will definitely offer some input and ideas they have for their party. Movies, music, sports and pop culture are just a few of the places you will find inspiration. There really are so many party planning ideas right at your fingertips so start researching and get planning!
Decorations – Whether you select a theme or not, party decorations can and will be simpler than you imagine. Again, your kid will help you come up with some thoughts and ideas and will absolutely let you know what they do and don’t want included. Remember, simple and easy is the best route to go! There are tons of party planning and supply stores to help you with your decorating needs. There are also some truly helpful websites that not only will provide assistance with ideas but actual decorations and for free!
Food – Food glorious food! One of the most important parts of any party, no matter the age of the guests! Don’t be fooled. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, looks forward to the food and the eating part! And I promise you, they will comment about it, either to your face or behind your back. Good or bad, exciting or boring, enjoyable or not! So keep in mind, variety is the spice of life! Along with variety, easy food to snack on and finger foods are always a hit. This allows for more fun, more partying and really the reason we are there, more celebrating!
I can’t stress it enough; the reason for all of hard work and effort that goes into kids party planning… is for our kids. We all want to be the hero in our kid’s life and create what they think is the perfect party! So don’t be afraid, decide your budget, take age group, size and varied interests into account and utilize everything out there to assist you in becoming your kid’s hero!