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When thinking kid’s birthday party planning, birthdays are special and are meant to be celebrated as such. And depending on who you talk with that definitely means different things to different families. For some just the thought of planning a kid’s birthday party can cause dread and fear in the heart of a parent. I ask you, wasn’t it just yesterday we were waving goodbye to the guests from last year’s party? Time really does fly by with a blink of the eye and before we know it, another year rolls around and that means it’s time to start that party planning.
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Kid’s birthday party planning isn’t as hard as many may think. All it takes is some creativity, organization and most importantly a sense of humor. As each year passes it seems kid’s birthday parties are getting more and more extravagant. These days it’s difficult not be humbled by all the excessive and extravagant parties being thrown for kids. You know that classic scenario of keeping up with the Joneses and all that jazz. But have no fear some of the greatest planned and enjoyed kids’ parties have nothing to do with the bottom line and everything to do with the spotlight on the one celebrating that special day.
Kid’s Birthday Party Planning – It’s all About the Guest of Honor!
Yes it is all about the guest of honor! It’s important to remember that the party you are planning is for your child and not you. So first and foremost when figuring out the “where to start” of party planning remember to consider the wants and interests of the guest of honor. Take into consideration your child’s likes and what they are fascinated by, whether they are obsessed with sports, a super hero, a TV program, a movie character, singing or some other super fun theme. Once you establish this you will easily be able to carry the theme throughout all areas of the party.
Kid’s Birthday Party Planning – Let’s Get Started!
With so many details to remember, staying on top of all things birthday party planning can stress out even the most organized of us. So once the just right theme has been decided on, here are some basic tips to you started.
Birthday Party Tip One – Size Doesn’t Matter – When it comes to planning kid’s birthday parties size really doesn’t matter. A kid’s birthday party doesn’t have to be a huge, complicated, out of this world gala. For kids as long as the day is fun filled and the guest of honor feels extraordinarily special, then for the mom and dad, it’s a job well done.
Birthday Party Tip Two -Start Planning Early – For parents when it comes to party planning it’s all about survival. So give yourself a break and start the planning early. I promise you, the earlier you start the organizing the better off you’ll be when party arrives. By getting an early start you allow yourself the time without the stress to have the conversations, make the decisions, do the legwork and in the end you will have no details to accomplish at the last minute.
Birthday Party Tip Three – Create a Budget and Checklist – Everyone wants to plan the best of best, out of this world party. Did you hear that? It’s reality knocking at your door. Create the most reasonable budget for your situation followed by a checklist to ensure each and every detail is remembered and completed. Creating it is the first step, for it to work you must then adhere to it.
Birthday Party Tip Four – Have a Plan – A great way to accomplish this is to visualize the party you and your child want and then build from there. This is the perfect time to have that conversation with your child and ask those important party questions. By taking this step and then creating the party blueprint, simply said, you will be able to dodge any confusion, mistakes and more importantly stress. And remember to keep your eye on the prize and remain focused on the guest of honor and their wants.
Photo courtesy of VensPaperie
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Most parents I know want to plan a fun filled just perfect party that their child and the guests will remember for days to come. Do not fear there is lots of help out there. Keep in mind party plans don’t have to be crazy, expensive or complex, at times the easiest and uncomplicated can be the most successful. So have that conversation and get started planning that super special party for that super special guest of honor.