Interested In becoming a Party Planner?

Like a lot of planners at one point in my career I was fortunate to experience being a party planner. Frankly, the majority of my work in this industry has been as a meeting and event planner organizing conferences and meetings tackling all the ins and outs it takes to plan successful scenarios. However at a time due to circumstances I zigged instead of zagging and veered off and was able to expand my circle, knowledge and experiences.

As luck would have it, I spent a smattering of time as a wedding planner and a party planner and enjoyed almost every minute of it. And during that time not only was I able to brush up on my skills and learn a lot I was able to gain some insight into other areas of the planning business.

What is the Job of a Party Planner?

The job of a party planner is to organize and manage parties and shindigs of all sorts and sizes from small to large. A party planner is responsible to arrange and oversee each and every element from the theme to the location to food and more. And while you get to meet lots of great people and the job can look more than exciting from the outside looking in, in reality it can be extremely challenging, stressful, time consuming and hard work.

A Party planner is required to use their vision, resourcefulness and creativeness and take a client’s ideas and concepts and transform them into a dream party and while you put out a lot you really do get so much more back.

Learning, Education and a Party Planner

When it comes to party planning this is a career that doesn’t command an infinite number of traditional educational requirements. And while obtaining some credentials will definitely assist would-be planners acquire the basic expertise, guidance and instruction needed for success. Some of the most important party planning tools are hands-on experience, networking and old fashion common sense. In order to get some hands-on training and experience and become more skilled there are huge benefits in working for an established party planner, at well-known parties and events or at party venues on a voluntary basis. Volunteering is the best way to acquire some of that much needed experience and know how. And network, network, network! Talk with industry professionals, make connections and create a network of folks you can trust and depend on when you need support, have questions or just need a shoulder.

As well there are copious amounts of help available from; books and blogs, tutorials and seminars, lectures and courses to help a newbie and hopeful planner get started and gain information.

The party planning and event planning business is one of the quickest growing businesses in the marketplace. Everyone thinks a party planner has the best and most exciting job ever. But like most things, it’s not as dazzling as it seems. Bear in mind like so many areas of expertise, success doesn’t come overnight it takes a lot of hard work, flexibility and experience.

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