It has been said that your wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But the facts are on this special day something WILL go wrong. And If I’ve learned anything it’s that no event ever goes off without a hiccup or two. As I always (always!) tell my friends don’t panic just be prepared.

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No matter the type of event, I am the self-appointed queen of Plan B’s and emergency kits. All it takes is some inspiration and a plan and we all can create the just right precautionary wedding day emergency kit. Filled with items that just in case will save the day.

Why Build an Wedding Day Emergency Kit

We all want our big day to be filled with happiness and zero crises. And in a perfect world that is exactly what would happen. A wedding day emergency kit is imperative so one can immediately rectify any glitches and enjoy a stress free day. Predicting what can go wrong on this most special day is essential when it comes to having a beautiful and successful wedding. And the best way to build a useful wedding day emergency kit is to consider what represents an emergency to you. And once you’ve done that, how can thwart it. I could tell you story after story of all the wedding and event upsets that have happen to me in the past. But because of all those situations I am now always prepared and am able to anticipate the unanticipated.

The key to remembering everything you may need is to be organized. Create a checklist at least a few weeks from the big day. Put everything you can think of on that list. And only include products that you have used or tested. Because you just never know. On your day have someone you trust take responsibility of the kit. That way you’ll always know where it is.

HELP to Prevent a Wedding Day Emergency!

“Stuff” is going to happen. That’s exactly why we prepare, prepare, prepare. Here is a handy dandy list of things you may want to include in your wedding day emergency kit:

• Pain Relievers
• Antacid Pills
• Band-Aids/Blister Protection
• Static Remover
• Chalk/Talcum Powder (for dress stains)
• Clear Nail Polish
• Glue
• Boutonniere/Corsage Pins
• Dental Floss
• Hair Spray
• Eye Drops
• Shoe Polish
• Hair Pins
• Spare Panty Hose
• Double Stick Tape
• Prescription Meds
• Sewing Kit
• Lint Remover
• Straight/Safety Pins
• Small Mirror
• Tape
• Scissors
• Stain Remover Stick
• Tooth Brush/Tooth Paste
• Straws
• Tissues
• Tweezers
• Blotting Paper (for sweat stains)
• Breath Mints
• Bottle of Nail Polish (the shade you have on)
• Make Up
• Comfortable Shoes (for dancing)
• Mini First Aid Kit

It will be well worth the time and energy it takes to put together. One of the best thing you will do for yourself is to have that wedding emergency kit on hand. Because you just never know what can happen when you’re not prepared.

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