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Hiring event staff is a great way to increase brand awareness, trade show leads, and close more sales, but, only when hired for the right reasons. In fact, when hired for the wrong reasons, event staff may actually hinder your brand’s ability to reach its goals. Consider these 5 questions before hiring event staff.
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5 Questions to Ask Your Event Team before Hiring Event Staff
Do we need extra event staff?
While it’s important to make sure guests have a wonderful and memorable time at your event, having too many event staff to direct traffic and answer questions can leave guests feeling overwhelmed. Think of it this way, have you ever walked into a clothing store and been approached by one employee and then another only minutes later? Having an overabundance of event staff can be frustrating to guests. Take the time to consider how team members will be at the event and whether or not your team truly needs extra staff.
Can we afford extra event staff?
Depending on the number of event staff your team needs and the experience level of each event staffer, hiring event staff can get expensive. Take a look at your event budget and determine whether or not you have enough money to hire extra staff.
Will hiring event staff help us reach our event goals?
In the end, it’s all about ROI. Will hiring extra event staff to greet and direct guests increase your brand awareness? Will hiring extra event staff to hand out promotional items or run promotional contests increase your lead generation and sales? If hiring event staff will not help your team to reach (and surpass) your event goals, then why hire them at all?
Who will manage the event staff?
Another important factor to consider before deciding to hire event staff is determining who is going to manage and train them. Simply hiring extra event staff is not enough. Someone will need to be in charge of them to ensure they are staying on task and working hard. If your team does not have enough personae to manage the extra event staffers, then it may not be a good idea to hire them.
What do we hope to achieve by hiring event staff?
Finally, before hiring event staff, ask yourself, “Why are we hiring event staff? What do we hope to achieve?” Whether it’s increasing leads and sales or simply building relationships with guests, determine exactly why your team needs to hire event staff and what they will accomplish.