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Ever wonder why happiness is important? Ask anyone and they will tell you, happy people do way better in life and at work then unhappy people do. Those in the know have said that people who have found the sweet spot of happiness are likely to have a healthier and longer life. But truthfully there is way more to happiness then a long and healthy life. While having found happiness does make life more enjoyable it also has an impact on how successful one is in their private and business lives.
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I’d say I have found happiness in my life and overall I’m a pretty happy person. I try to always put my best foot forward and find the silver lining whenever possible. Don’t get me wrong, by no stretch is my career or life considered perfect for those on the outside looking in. And yes I have issues just like everyone else. But I have tried to live my life with a happy outlook, keeping in mind, you get back what you put out.
If You’ve Found Happiness and You know it…
I’m sure there isn’t a job or career out there that isn’t described as hectic. Like most industries, the event and meeting planning business has its fair share of trials and tribulations. And while I Iove my job (yes I do) it can definitely be challenging and stressful at times. When a person has found happiness and is happy at work, they are more; creative and positive, ambitious and determined and definitely in a better position to accomplish goals. And really happiness doesn’t come from success, I’m here to tell you, it’s actually the other way around.
Those that have discovered the key to happiness, in their personal life tend to be more compassionate, kind, charitable and it helps to escalate how much we like ourselves and others around us. And with all that how could we not have rewarding careers, thriving friendships and a healthier, longer life.
The Science of Happiness – An Experiment in Gratitude
The people at Soul Pancake definitely have a handle on happiness and gratitude. Have a look at one of their presentation that absolutely resonated with me.
Soul Pancake proves once again that it does make a difference when we share our happiness and gratitude with others. And demonstrates happiness gives us the power to help ourselves and others to manage negativity, pressure, anxiety and worry.