Graduation Party Planning Tips – Safety Is the Goal

If you have a graduate in the house then you know just how busy this time of year can be. The graduate is at a strategic time in his or her life. Many are about to embark on the next stage of their education. And that means, for many, that they’ll be leaving for college in a couple of months. But first comes high school graduation and the prom. Graduation party planning is also top of mind for many parents.

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Graduation Party Planning – You Need to Address the Elephant in the Room

Unfortunately this time of year also sees an increase in traffic fatalities. A large number of those fatalities are a result of youth drinking and driving. Today, luckily, there are many organizations that address drinking and driving. It’s an uncomfortable conversation but it’s one that needs to occur. After all the last thing a parent wants is for their son and daughter not to feel comfortable enough to call home if they are in an awkward situation.

Mothers Against Drinking and Driving, MADD, has an excellent webpage providing tips on how to talk to youth about drinking. We’re certainly not promoting underage drinking. But we’re also not naïve enough to think that underage drinking isn’t occurring during graduation times. MADD also has a free handbook available to help parents and caregivers bridge the conversation about responsible drinking.

Henry Ford Health System is another great resource for prom and graduation safety tips. Below are some recommendations on how graduation party planning needs to include the conversation about alcohol.

** Update **

After this article was published, Alexis Hernandez, Outreach Coordinator at approached MasterTheEvent and offered additional resources and information on substance abuse. Check out that information here. And thank you Alexis for the great work that you do on this very important issue.

For additional graduation party planning tips, see: Graduation Party Season is Here!

Graduation time is an important milestone in one’s life. It’s vital that, as part of graduation party planning, there is a conversation about the responsibilities of alcohol. Having a conversation with your son or daughter can help ensure that the celebrations stay fun.

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