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These days it’s all about going green and not in the way Kermit the frog sings about. Have you ever wondered what a green meeting is actually all about? A green meeting is a meeting that utilizes Eco- friendly resources to lessen the meetings environmental impression. There are many resources meeting and event planners can use, including reducing; water, energy as well as food and beverage consumption.
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The world we know today commands an environmentally friendly way of life. And that includes the meeting and events industry. It has been reported that one of the top reasons for meeting attendance is the food. Go figure. So when planning a meeting or event attention definitely must go into the food and beverage side of things. By incorporating green, healthy, sustainable and environmentally friendly options the possibilities are endless. And that steering the way through the available information, products and service can be a challenging endeavor.
Planning for Going Food & Beverage Green
The decisions we all make when organizing food segments of a meeting or event are significant to the prosperity and success of the earth as well as the delegates. We not only make the food and beverage decisions but we can also determine how it will be prepared and served. In the last several years we’ve learned so much more about what goes into organizing green meetings and events. Understanding the terminology enabling us to make the right goals and decisions. Utilizing sources to assist in making good food selections. And knowing the where and how to save money based on our green decisions.
Food and Beverage Green Meeting Tips
If just the thought of going food and beverage green causes you to scratch your head. But you want to understand and be committed to reducing the environmental impact. Every little bit helps, so start small and look at changing a thing or two at first.
• Reduce waste by donating excessive food to a local food bank or shelter
• Utilize reusable service-ware or disposable recyclable service-ware
• Use cloth napkins in place of paper
• Substitute bottled water with reusable pitchers and cups
• Use, when possible, Eco-friendly flatware, plates and cups
• Provide cream, sugar and condiments in reusable tableware instead of individual packages
• Work with local suppliers to serve locally grown food and products
• Use a cater that adhere to sustainable guidelines
• Ensure that all the delegates eat and come into contact with is recyclable and compostable
Going green makes total good sense. Business and health sense that is. And anytime we take steps to green any part of a meeting is a step in the right direction.