Global Meeting Planner – Good Meetings, Great Meeting Planners!

As stated previously (in this blog as well as many others), meeting planners are a busy bunch of industry professionals. Their days and a lot of nights are filled with hard work attempting to achieve the goals and objectives set out by the organization they represent. They accomplish these responsibilities and tasks through an unbelievable amount of effort, planning and organizing the various meetings and events on their plate.

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So yes, there is a great deal of work involved in the actual planning and organizing of meetings and events. And there are many organizations, including the always accessible and helpful convention and visitors bureaus (CVB’s), service companies as well as a large assortment of planning and destination management companies, that are here to help successfully execute conferences, meetings and events. And as the industry advances so does obtainable and accessible technology. With a little leg work there are lots of available software tools and apps, some free and some with a fee, to lend a hand.

Global Meeting Planner – International Meetings Help?

While there is an abundance of technological assistance, and that segment of the industry continues to grow, what about global meetings? Where should a global meeting planner that is considering taking their meetings outside the US and go international, look for help.

With a (slight) increase in international meetings, selecting an international destination for events and meetings can help create enthusiasm and excitement and often helps increase attendance. In addition to the assistance preparing, arranging and executing global meetings, what about help and answers to some of those nagging questions like; how to avoid shipping issues, cost saving tips for international meetings, managing the exchange for foreign currency, risk management for international meetings, visa matters, is the VAT refundable and how to go about it, legal and safety issues and the list of questions continues.

Have no fear there is some great support out there.

Global Meeting Planner – Let Me Introduce You…

If you are not aware of the organization BestCities Global Alliance, let me take this opportunity to introduce you.

Founded over ten years ago, BestCities Global Alliance is made up of convention bureaus that pride themselves on providing the world’s finest service experience for meeting planners planning international meetings. These leading global destinations include Cape Town, Copenhagen, Dubai, Edinburgh, Melbourne, San Juan, Singapore and Vancouver. And in October 2011 Houston and Berlin joined as preliminary members and in June of this year they will become full members.

If you choose to work with BestCities Global Alliance, one of their members not only will you save time and anxiety, but you are assured of the highest level and best possible assistance and service with all things planning. No matter the size or scoop of your meetings or events, you will be assisted with destination knowledge and resources, bid help, conference planning and onsite assistance just to name a few.

Global Meeting Planner – Why Work With BestCities

BestCities is regarded as not only a ground breaking and innovative organization; they bring to the table destination knowledge and expertise second to none. They partner with the global meeting planner from start to finish and guarantee a unique and extraordinary service experience and ultimately success.

So if international meetings are on your slate and you need some assistance with all things planning, be sure to check out BestCities Global Alliance ( for answers and help.

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