Get Ready, Set and Go It’s Easter Time!

When you first see the signs of spring and the super sweet bunnies arrive, chocolate and the like, we all know Easter is just around the corner. And while some people may disagree (though not me) Easter isn’t just about the chocolate and fun. For so many this holiday is all about celebrating their religious convictions.

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As explained in the bible Easter Sunday commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his death. And while some celebrate by going to church and enjoying a family meal others of us celebrate in a more traditional less religious way by getting together and spending time with loved ones. Some of the traditions include good food, decorating eggs, an egg hunt, the Easter bunny as well as crafts and games. Growing up my family didn’t celebrate this holiday but we never felt left out. Like clockwork, each and every year  when Easter arrived we woke up to a shoe box full of chocolate, sweets and toys. Thanks Mom!

Is Easter the Number One Holiday?

For Christians, Easter is the most significant and meaningful religious holiday. And after Christmas, this holiday is known as the second most liked holiday. As a matter of fact, Easter is identified as a moveable feast meaning “a religious holiday that falls on different dates in different years”. And that’s because western churches use the Gregorian calendar and eastern churches use the Julian calendar.

Easter Fun Facts

• After Halloween, Easter is the second biggest holiday after Halloween for candy consumption.
• With over 120 million cards will be sent making it the fourth largest card exchanging holiday.
• The first chocolate eggs were made in Europe in the early 19th century.
• Yearly over 90 million chocolate Easter bunnies are created and 76% of Americans eat the ears first.
• Americans eat over 700 million marshmallow peeps and they are the most popular non-chocolate Easter candy.
• Over 16 billion jelly beans are made with red being the number one favorite of kids.
• In 1971 the Cadbury Creme Egg debut and over 300 million eggs are made each year.

Easter wouldn’t be complete without a fun and amusing bloopers reel. So enjoy this entertaining collection of kid’s Easter blooper’s.

 So no matter how you mark and celebrate this holiday, all of us at Plan an Event are wishing you a very happy Easter weekend!

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