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What Is a Gender Reveal Party?
Finding out Baby’s gender is a big deal for parents-to-be. It’s one milestone that calls for its own party. There are lots of concepts, but what are the best gender reveal party ideas?
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Don’t worry, because we listed 10 unique party ideas for you. The criteria are simple: guest participation, creativity, and the fun factor.
These ideas are for expecting parents who want to share the good news with family and friends. To boost the anticipation, it’s better if the parents will learn about the baby’s gender on the same day. This means someone else will plan the party.
Have fun, and congratulations!
10 Gender Reveal Party Ideas
Silly String
There are literally strings attached when we say this is one of the coolest gender reveal party ideas on our list.
Silly string is a great party prop to get everyone’s attention and participation in the big reveal. All you need are cans of silly string with the color of the baby’s gender inside. You can use the traditional light blue (boy) or pink (girl). Remember to cover the cans to keep the big news a secret.
Here comes the fun part. Each guest will pick a can and then choose a side (ex. BLUE Team vs. PINK Team). For more excitement, you can color-coordinate the party food. Put blue cupcakes on one side and pink candies on the other, for example.
On your signal, have your loved ones spray their cans to reveal the big news.
What Will It Bee?
The next idea is focused on creating a cheerful and bright ambience for the party. It will take more preparation time, so plan ahead.
The goal is to hype the excitement by decorating the party with honeybee themes (what will it… bee, get it?). These include black-and-yellow stripes, hexagonal beehive patterns, cutout bees flying around, and maybe some real honey.
For the reveal, you can set up a balloon or bee pinata that will scatter pink or blue confetti. The uniqueness makes it one of our favorite gender reveal party ideas.
Gender Reveal Cake
For us, the best gender reveal party ideas are often the simplest ones. Like making the party cake the gender reveal cake.
People think this is very common but we like to call it a “classic”. All you need is a cake; get a tiered cake, a row of cupcakes, or even cake pops. The color of the baby’s gender is inside the cake, which will be revealed later on.
To keep things fresher and more interesting, you can divide your guests into two teams. Each team will hold a prop to signify their “vote”.
Here are some prop ideas:
- Moustache (boy) vs. lips (girl)
- Blue bow tie vs. pink hair ribbon
- Blue tie vs. pink tutu
- Ken doll vs. Barbie doll
- Toy car vs. Modeling clay
Play some music. Hold some battle-of-the-sexes game. When it’s time for the big reveal, everyone will bite into the cake (if it’s a cupcake), or the parents-to-be will slice open the cake.
Confetti Balloons
Many gender reveal party ideas can be a bit quiet. Time to add some pop into the party with our next idea: confetti balloons.
All you need are balloons. Pick the big ones, around 24″ to 36″ in diameter. Also, pick a neutral balloon color so the gender color will stand out more. The neutral color will also mask the confetti color if the material is a little see-through.
Fill the balloon with confetti corresponding to the color of the baby’s gender. Inflate the balloons, then spread them around the room (or tie them on chairs if the party is outdoors). Once the party starts, do the usual pre-reveal activities.
For the big news, the parents-to-be will pop the balloon. But where’s the fun in that? Have everyone hold a pin, and on the count of three, they’ll pop those balloons to shower everyone with confetti.
Egg Paint Bombs
When we say this is the messiest of all gender reveal party ideas, we literally mean mess. Like a mess of colors and fun.
The preparation of egg paint bombs will require time and patience. All you need are hollowed out eggs (if no real eggs are available, get plastic egg shells). Fill the eggs with pink or blue paint (or whatever gender color you choose). Spray paint the egg shells with black or colors other than pink or blue.
Next, prepare a giant canvas. You can buy a wall-sized artist canvas, or you can spread a white cloth against the wall. Make sure the canvas is hard enough to break the eggs on impact.
Distribute the eggs to your guests, and when the time is ready, everyone will throw the eggs at the canvas simultaneously. The good news will be revealed to everyone in a series of fun explosions.
Fingerprint Guess Tree
For this idea, your guests will literally leave their marks on your event. The fingerprint guess tree is a good memento you can frame, and show to your kid when he or she grows up.
Buy the fingerprint tree from any party supply store and two ink pads: one pink and one blue. For a more personalized touch, you can have the guests’ names printed on the tree branches.
There are two ways that guests can “cast their votes”: you can have the guests mark the tree by the venue’s entrance, or you can pass it around from table to table.
After everyone has left their marks, it’s time to reveal the gender. You can adopt other gender reveal party ideas for this one, like getting props or gender reveal cakes.
Pop the Belly Game
For this concept, we take the gender balloon idea and add more pop to it. Unlike the other gender reveal party ideas, this one has a little competition involved.
All you need is a board standee with 9 to 16 pregnant mom cartoon prints. Then get the same number of black balloons and inflate them. These will be the “bellies.”
Here’s the catch: only one of the balloon will contain the blue or confetti. When it is time for the reveal, Mom or Dad will take turns popping the balloons, until one of them pops open with the confetti.
The guests can join in the game for more riot. The first one to pop the correct balloon will win a prize. You can add more twists to this game, like using darts, NERF guns, slingshots, or blow guns. Just remember: keep it fun, but keep it safe.
Old Wives Tales Board
This one is on top of our gender reveal party ideas not only because it is unique, but it also pokes fun at some superstitious beliefs.
We all have heard of old wives tales about pregnancy and the baby’s gender. There’s one about mom’s cravings: sweet for girls, salty for boys (what, boys can’t be sweet now?). There’s another about mom’s skin. Apparently glowing skin means it’s a boy, while dry and broken out skin means it’s a girl.
Then there’s the infamous morning sickness. If Mom is having excessive morning sickness, it’s because of the baby girl (wait a minute, isn’t it because Mom is pregnant?).
In the spirit of fun, let’s ride on these tales, and maybe it will help us decode the baby’s gender.
Get a board with the old wives tales and gender written on it (ex. Cravings: Salty or Sweet?). Then have the guests write their answers, and see which ones got it right.
Box of Balloons
There are many fun ways to hype up the excitement about your baby’s gender.
One way is to give the guests small decorated boxes. Each box will contain an inflated balloon with the color corresponding to the baby’s gender. When it is time to break the news, everyone will open the boxes and the balloons will fly.
The boxes can also be the guest tokens, so you can put stuff inside like candies, figurines, cards, or other mementoes. The Box of Balloons is simple. but creative. That’s why it is one of our favorite gender reveal party ideas.
Gender Reveal Scratch Cards
Many gender reveal party ideas on our list involve guessing from the guests. Well guess what, the next idea is even more clever.
The scratch cards will surely get everyone’s participation. Distribute the cards to the guests and when the time is ready, everyone will scratch it to reveal baby’s gender news inside. It is like a lottery ticket, except that you have a 50-50 chance of winning.
To make it more exciting, you can create a “winning card” by printing the baby’s name on one of the cards. The guests who will pick this card can get a special prize.
Another twist is to create two teams: BLUE vs. PINK. Have the guests choose their sides, and the scratch card will determine the winner.
There are so many gender reveal party ideas out there, but the ideas we have on this list are some of the best ones.
Pick the one that best suits your budget, preparation time, and the personality of the parents-to-be. Have fun!