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To Vacation or NOT to Vacation, That is the Question!
I have just arrived back from a glorious vacation and I couldn’t be more rested or happier! I finally took time off for myself and my mental health. And all I can say is “What took me so long”.
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I am constantly thinking there is way too much to do and way too much on my plate to take a vacation. How will I get it all done!? While I always, ALWAYS, encourage others to take time off and try to convey the importance of it, I rarely followed my own advice. I figured there’s work and it needs to get done, so my time would be better spent accomplishing the tasks at hand.
But I am happy to be the first to say, I couldn’t have been more wrong! It doesn’t matter where I went, with whom or how long I was away. The important part was that I actually took time off and didn’t, not once, look at my computer, phone or blackberry. And for me that was a first.
Vacation Statistically Speaking…
In the latest poll by employees said that they are not taking vacations. And those that were would be bringing work with them. In the study, 24% said they can’t afford to take a vacation (up 3% over last year) with 16% saying that in 2010 they gave up vacation days because they didn’t have the time to use them. In another poll 24% cited financial reasons as to why they’ll not be taking a vacation this year. An additional 12% admitted they could afford it but would still not be taking a vacation this year. So approximately 36% of American workers have no plans to take a vacation this year. And take it from me, that is a huge mistake. HUGE!!
Where There’s a Will There’s a Way – Say Yes to Vacation!
I have learned, and it is a reality, that vacations are the perfect opportunity to revitalize and invigorate yourself. It is a proven fact that by taking time off you come back refreshed and more productive. In addition to the employee benefits that result from time away, the employer benefits are countless. The evidence says it all, there are less sick days, an enthusiastic and motivated staff, improved health, reduced stress and better work performances. Just because of a week or two off.
Not all vacations have to hit you high and hard in the wallet. There are lots of places to go and things to do that won’t break your budget. It’s true times are tough and we’re all trying to save, or may not have that extra cash for a vacation (away from home). But everyone (and I mean everyone) seems to be raving about how much fun they had on their home vacation or “staycation”.
Take the time to enjoy your home, your city, see all the local places you wished you had the time to. Read the book that’s been sitting on your table for eons, go for a walk or just relax at the beach. Whatever tickles your fancy!
The take away and most important part is to take a vacation!
There is no such thing as a traditional vacation. Vacations mean different things to different people. It can mean an extra-long weekend, five days, a week, two weeks or more. So don’t pigeon hole yourself by saying no. Make time for one of the most important people in your life, yourself! You (and your boss) will be happy you did.