Easter and Easter Party fun is just around the corner. This year Easter will be celebrated on Sunday, April 20th. Easter is a significant day for some and is known as one of the holiest of Christian holidays. And it celebrates the resurrection of Christ just three days after he died.

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And this holiday has lots of Americans rejoicing, partying and spending on average $131.00 per family.

Easter Party, Bunnies and Chocolate Eggs, What Fun!

When you think Easter, thoughts of a party don’t immediately start dancing in your head. But with spring and the nicer weather on the forefront (yippee) WHY not have an Easter party this year. Easter parties are fun filled and the perfect chance for kids and adults to enjoy.

Easter has so many customs and traditions. From the serious and holy services to the fun and Easter egg hunts and everything else in between. And when it comes to an Easter party; planning games and activities are the ideal way to keep everyone amused. Because let’s face it, if the kids are excited and having fun so are the adults.

Easter Party, Let the Easter Party Games Begin

Courtesy of www.prospect.rsc.org

Are you on the lookout for some great Easter party games and activities? Well look no further, Plan an Event readers are always here to help. We put the word out to our loyal followers as well as the Easter bunny and here’s a snapshot of what you all came up with.

Jelly Bean Guess – First, fill a jar with jelly beans. Have pen and paper next to the jar. And then let the fun begin. Have each invitee guess how many jelly beans are in the jar. And of course the guest that comes closest to the right number wins the jar of delicious jelly beans.

Battle for the Peeps – Secure peeps on a string and then hang them. The point of the game is to see who can eat the peep the fastest. I put 2-3 peeps in each spot and then have the guests, with hands placed behind their back, start peeping (eating).

Egg Toss – Partner the kids up and then line them up facing each other. Have them toss the eggs to their partner. The caught eggs are then place in a basket. Missed eggs don’t count. And the team that catches the most eggs in the time allotted wins.

Pass the Easter Bunny – Start the music, as the music is playing the Easter bunny is passed around the circle until the music stops. When the music stops the guest holding the Easter bunny is out. The last kid “sitting” is the winner.

Decorate Your Egg – If it involves chocolate I’m a fan. Provide plain cookies in the shape of an egg or Easter bunny. Set out all the fixings; sprinkles, frosting, M&M’s, chocolate chips, jelly beans, marshmallows and then let the kids go decorating crazy.

Easter Egg Hunt – Hide all kids of Easter eggs and chocolate. Provide baskets and then let the kids loose. Hands down this party favorite will keep the kids busy and laughing forever.

Pin the Tail on the Bunny – A party classic. Just create or print a bunny and like pin the tail on the donkey, you know how it goes. Blind fold in place, kids try and pin the tail on the bunny. And the closest wins.

Easter Tag – It’s just like tag but no running here. All the players must hop like a bunny!

Easter Freeze Dance – It’s all about dancing. And when the music stops, the last person to be in freeze mode is out. And in the end the last person dancing is the winner.

Easter Trivia Game – Put Easter questions in a bowl. The person that comes up with the most imaginative and correct answers wins. This game is always good for a laugh.

When it comes to planning an Easter party my most favorite of all games and activities is the Easter Bunny pinata. I fill it with all things Easter. And once the pinata has been busted, the kids (and adults too) get to fill up their baskets with what they love.

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