Creating Your Event Planning Checklist

Have you ever needed supplies and ended up at the grocery store only to forget what it was you were supposed to pick up? Or, do you keep a list and write items that you need to pick up at the grocery store? I don’t know about you but I seem to be much more efficient when I go to a grocery store with a list. If I don’t have a list I tend to bring home a lot of groceries that I really didn’t need in the first place. Like groceries, an event planning checklist helps keep you focused on what needs to be completed to ensure a successful event. Without a checklist you could find yourself scrambling at the last minute to complete vital steps necessary for your event.

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Event Planning Checklists Help You See the Trees in the Forest

The most seasoned meeting planners use event planning checklists. The reason is that they want to be sure that every component of their program is being addressed and there are no unexpected surprises or undone tasks before the event starts. Now event planning checklist don’t guarantee that you’re going to get everything done that needs to be done. They are only as good as the thought that was put into them ahead of time. A checklist is an important part of the planning process. Take the time, up front, to think about what you need to do for your event. Also drawing from previous experiences, both good and bad, will help make your event hassle free. Finding out what elements of the event are important to your clients is a crucial part of your event planning checklist. Of course, standard checklist will include items such as; decor, caterer, entertainment, audiovisual, staffing requirements, licensing, and transportation. Another often overlooked item for an event planning checklist is to conduct a post-mortem of the event itself. Schedule time with your client after the event has occurred to get their feedback. What you learn from a post-mortem can be a life saver for your next event.

Event planning checklists, planned properly, will help you look at the small details of an event rather than the event as a whole. They become a valuable tool when you have more than one event occurring at the same time. Believe it or not an event planning checklist can reduce your stress level when they are executed properly.

Your Event Planning Checklist Will Change Over Time

A lot of people go out and look for one standard event planning checklist. A good event planning checklist is designed with your unique needs in addition to the standard items. You are the best judge of your own strengths and weaknesses so your event planning checklist should be compiled to address areas that you tend to overlook because of your personality. As an example, I use an event planning checklist to help me keep on schedule. I know that one of my weakness is my ability to put things off. Because of my procrastination I design my event planning checklists to keep on a schedule.

In addition to the standard checklist items that you may require it’s also important that you incorporate your own management style. If you have ever executed an event and not used an event planning checklist then you probably have a good understanding of the stress that was involved. Taking the time to develop an event planning checklist based on your own strengths and weaknesses as well as taking into account your clients needs helps keep you focused on the tasks at hand. Many of the components will become part of your standard event planning checklist. Before long, you’ll be multitasking with ease.

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