Table of Contents
Conferences and meetings are planned with a definite reason. Associations, organizations, meeting planners and their teams put a lot of time, energy and effort in to the planning and organizing of the various types of meetings, events, conferences and the like to ensure the best possible outcome and success. It is the responsibility of the meeting planner and team to make sure that everything, and I do mean everything, has been planned, organized and is ready for the onslaught of attendees.
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Conference Planning Resources – It’s All About Business!
These days holding conferences, meetings and events really have become a significant part of our industry and the business world. From the financial to the educational perspective, they are big business.
Realistically the reason we as individuals attend conferences has nothing to do with the merrymaking, partying and drinking portion of the experience. But it truly has everything to do with the content, learning opportunities, networking and potential future business. It makes no difference if you are self-employed or represent a small or large company, those that attend with the right attitude focusing on business relationships and educational sessions (not the perks and give-a-ways) will find attending all the more worthwhile.
Conference Planning Resources – Think Before You Act…
Not all of us are an old hand at attending conferences. This year there will be thousands of people attending conferences and meetings for the first time. And therefore they will have no idea what is in front of them and about to unfold. So for the first timers, yes there is some straightforward yet necessary etiquette advice to bear in mind before departing for the first time.
Be Prepared – Bring your work ethic, A-game and be prepared to be present. If needed, take notes and do not hesitate to communicate thoughts and ideas.
Be Professional – Remember you are not only representing your company, you are representing yourself. It is important to display your comprehension, experience and professionalism.
Be and Keep Your Cool – Never take anything personally. Always, always stay cool and check the outrageous behavior at the door. And you know exactly what I mean.
Be Equipped – When onsite be organized and ensure you have all your contact info including business cards, company information and any other contact material you made need.
Be Focused – Remember you are attending the conference for a reason. Be on time to sessions and events, pay attention and be in the moment.
Follow Up – Once the conference has ended be sure to follow up, communicate and engage with those that you really want to stay in contact with and those you especially want to remember you.
With some of the more useful etiquette tips covered, it’s time for a laugh and a few of the don’ts, thanks to our friends at dontbethatguyfilms, Tyler, Tripp and mentor Herb Tankersleigh.