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It”s all about boy birthday party ideas and surviving your son’s birthday party!
Ask any parent and they’ll tell you, boys and girls are different (and we’re not just talking about the obvious biological differences). When they are younger, for the most part (gross generalizations aside) boys are a little more energetic with shorter attentions spans. And while that makes for a great day at the park, it adds a whole different set of challenges when planning a birthday party.
Party wise, girls can be a little easier; they’re more content to do crafts, sit at a tea party or watch a movie. Boys need a little more engagement and when possible, a little more physical activity. So when it comes to planning a birthday party for your son, there are a few different options to consider.
Boy Birthday Party Ideas – Planning to Plan…
In a lot of ways a party is a party is a party. You have to have invitations, food, games, decor and loot bags. And when it comes to boys and girls birthday parties, that”s pretty much where the similarities end. But the very best way to plan any successful party, regardless of gender, is to find out what your child wants. Talk to them about what kind of theme, activities and location they would like. The more tailored to your child, the better the party will be.
Boy Birthday Party Ideas – Keep them Busy, Keep them Happy, Keep you Sane
So the thought of your son and his friends tearing your house apart fills you with dread. No worries! There are lots of great options (regardless of the season) for you to consider.
The Indoor Sports Party – There are so many venues available for parents today. When we were kids the closest we ever got to any kind of “sports” party was bowling. And while it was always a blast, after the fifth or sixth one of the season it got a little old. There are so many play centers, bowling alleys, swimming pools and sports centers that are thrilled to rent out their space for birthdays. Not only are the kids well supervised while being able to run and jump, they’re not doing it in your home! A great option to consider for inclement months.
The Outside Sports Party – My nephew use to choose this one every year. With a summer birthday, it was a perfect option. His dad would go to a local park early and stake out a great space for a party. We would show up and decorate and set up the food. A little more free flowing and less structured, there were always different activities for the kids to enjoy. Baseball, soccer, badminton, mini putt, even sitting under a tree relaxing, were all options. And because they kept the menu pretty basic (hot dogs, hamburgers, potato chips) my nephew could invite as many kids as he wanted. Family, friends and the birthday boy always enjoyed the party and we still look back on those parties with fondness.
The Pirate Party – Currently one of the most popular boy’s birthday party options around right now. And with good reason…it’s a lot more flexible than you think. For the younger kids you can theme the party around the pirates from Peter Pan and with the older kids it can be a Pirates of the Caribbean theme. Either way, you can’t go wrong. A treasure hunt, musical pirate ships and pin the feathers on the parrot are just a few ways of keeping the swashbucklers busy!