7 Things to NOT Forget When Planning your Next Conference

A successful and unforgettable conference doesn’t just happen by coincidence. No matter the type of conference or when it’s happening; success takes a lot of hard work and planning. And sometimes coordinating a conference is a dream come true. But other times, with all the logistics and moving pieces, it feels like a bad dream waiting to happen. Along the way I’ve learn a thing or two about planning conferences. I have found we can easily become overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done. Too many tasks and not enough time to accomplish them. And it seems no matter how much time I spend at my desk things can still remain incomplete. And often key things get missed, neglected or totally overlooked.

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Want to make your conference stick out and be noticed. Build it to be appealing, easy going, engrossing and above all fun. Bear in mind, when mulling over all those pieces needed to build a winning conference. Each and every conference as well as the attendees are one of a kind and unique. And with so many areas to consider when developing a successful program. But what isn’t different is prior planning. Having a well thought-out plan that meets your attendee’s needs is critical to success. Don’t be afraid to have open and candid discussions about your conference; and give yourself plenty of time to have those conversations

Get Started Making your Next Conference Successful

Looking to organize a successful conference? From start to finish, first contact to the final thank you, it’s essential to understand the nuts and bolts involved. It all begins with and ends with a plan. Start with the big stuff first. Recognize the assessable objectives and goals. Do your research. Create a blueprint. Establish a budget and checklist. Stay focused. Ask for help and organize your team. And always remember to multi task. Just to name a few. And in the end it’s all about ensuring solutions and positive outcomes.

7 Things you don’t want to Forget at your Next Conference

We reached out to our talented and skilled readers with today’s question. What are the most important event planning essentials that shouldn’t be missed? And once again they did not disappoint.

1. No matter what signage is already in house provide effective signage
2. Have an emergency tool kit with extras on hand
3. Create a phone list with every team member and supplier contact info
4. Keep a hard copy of the meeting agenda just in case
5. Have back up blank name badges on-site
6. Always have a Plan B, C & D
7. Ensure you have extra meals available

If I’ve learned anything it’s that no matter what stuff is going to happen. Sometimes it’s positive and sometimes unfortunately it can be negative. But the goal is always to ensure things don’t fall through the cracks. Not only by remembering the big stuff but the small stuff as well. So stay on top of things and always have a plan.

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