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It’s your special one’s first birthday, an extremely significant milestone for you and of course your family. After your wedding, some say this is the second most momentous event in your lifetime. I’ll leave that one for you to decide. Celebrating your baby’s first birthday commemorates the culmination of an extraordinary year and creates memories that will be remembered and cherished forever.
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Depending on whom you talk with, some feel throwing a first birthday party is not compulsory and is purely up to you. While that may be very true, to date, I do not know a single parent that has not only wanted to but has thrown a first birthday party for their little one. In actuality, throwing the first birthday party is really much more about the parents then the child. Not only is it the perfect occasion for Mom and Dad to celebrate all things baby, it’s a terrific reason to applaud making it through that first glorious year.
1st Birthday Party Ideas – Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!
Boy does time fly by fast. It seems like just yesterday when you welcomed that beautiful bundle of joy in to your family. And now number one is here. The first birthday is an incredibly special time for baby, parents and family alike. There is no such thing as a routine or ordinary birthday and planning that first birthday party can be many things to many people, all at the same time. Planning and organizing baby’s first birthday can be a stressful, sentimental, fun and wonderful trip down a short memory lane by revisiting some of the best parts of the previous year.
1st Birthday Party Ideas – Budget, Budget…Budget!
For that first one, we all want to pull out all the stops wanting and wishing for that first one to be super, extra special. Of course, we think for our baby, money is no option. But realistically for most of us it is. Spending oodles of cash makes no sense and does not represent the love we have for our children. And as we always say in this blog, first and foremost come up with the budget and stick to it. Truthfully, you don’t have to over spend to throw an over the top party. By creating and sticking to a budget, you will not feel forced to spend way too much and will be able to arrange a fun and enjoyable bash adored by all.
1st Birthday Party Ideas – Planning Number One!
When thinking 1st birthday party ideas, there is lots of great advice and tips to get you stated. Some things to consider;
• The first birthday party really is for the grown-ups so remember to keep guests, adult and toddlers alike, to a controllable number.
• Keep the party short and sweet. Due to babies’ limited focus and energy, as well brief attention span, experts recommend keeping the party between an hour and an hour and a half.
• The weekend is here. When planning parties remember weekends work better for other parents.
• When considering theme and decorations imagine the classics. Keep the age range in mind and hold on to the basics. Babies and toddlers are all about the attention and play so this is an area where you can pare down.
• When deciding on the food go with the KISS rule, keep it simple silly. Create easy and effortless food. By going with finger and grab-and-go foods you will make it easy for parents all around. Be sure to check with all attending about potential allergies.
• Rely on others. Ask for help not only during the planning stages but when executing the party as well.
• Create a play area in the party space. Baby proof the space and be sure to have lots of appropriate baby toys to occupy the little ones.

• It is recommended to open gifts before cake. Toddlers love to rip off all that wrapping paper but cake time can be very messy. So gifts first, then cake.
• Take lots of pictures. The day goes fast and you will want to recall these memories for a long time to come.
• Don’t stress out. It’s important to remember that there will most likely be problems, issue and tears. Try and enjoy the special day as the first birthday happens only once in a lifetime.