How Green is Your Meeting?

Seems the term green meeting is being used quite a bit today. Sometimes I’m not sure whether or not it’s just a trend or are people, meeting and event planners in particular, getting serious about going green. I guess the good news is that no matter the reason, the result is that our planet will benefit.

But I’m going to safely assume that people are planning green meetings because they care. There I said it.

Meetgreen is a company that works with global organizations and helps them implement sustainable solutions, and practices, for their events. On their website they state that Meetgreen’s vision is to continuously transform the meetings and events industry through leadership, innovation, education and performance. All with sustainability in mind.

There is one particular aspect of their website that I wanted to share with you today. One section offers a quiz that you can take to determine just how green you are. Or, more particularly, your meetings and events.

Take the Green Meeting Quiz

quiz in green blocks

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Here is a link to their quiz, which only consists of eight questions (you can do it in under 5 min.). You may be surprised to find out that you are a sustainable event expert or perhaps you are sustainable event organizer in training. Hint, if you received the latter designation then you’ve got some work to do regarding going green.  I took the quiz and found out that I was pretty green after all (green in a sustainability way that is).

You’ll also find some excellent resources and toolkits to help you plan for your next green meeting. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to find out it really doesn’t take that much to make a little bit of an impact.

If you’re wondering how green your meetings are, then take this quiz to give you a quick overview. Nowadays, we constantly hear about green hotels, meeting rooms and conference rooms. It really doesn’t take a lot of effort to turn your meeting green.

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